April, 2024


2h 40m

I spent todays session wrapping the remainder of side content in the Corel region. Alexander took the most of my time, I choose to leave the destruction of the arms to Aerith while Yuffie played support with prayer materia due to her being able to rapidly build 2 ATB bars. Cloud would then dish out the majority of damage with his limit breaks strengthened by bravery and prime mode berserk.

To avoid being one shot by 'Divine Judgement', I had cleansing materia paired with magnify to quick cast esuna on the party. Phoenix came in clutch for using arise and with the extra party wide heal. Ended up winning by the skin of my teeth as Yuffie managed to stagger him with her limit break, allowing me to finish him off.

What compounded my annoyance upon having to reattempt the fight, was that you can't customise characters while in the simulator. That means having to: exit the simulator, go into menu to change party, wait for Chadley to finish prattling on about the same fucking shit, and then finally re-enter the simulator. Did it at no point occur to the developers to include the option in the simulator?